Duets 5: Kia LaBeija & Julie Tolentino in Conversation

Duets 5: Kia LaBeija & Julie Tolentino in Conversation

Edited by Barbara Schroeder, Karen Kelly, and Alex Fialho. Published by Visual AIDS, New York, in 2018

Carnegie International 57th Edition: The Guide

Edited by Ingrid Schaffner with Liz Park. Published by Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, in 2018. Editorial management: Karen Kelly and Barbara Schroeder

Ryan Sullivan: Sprayed Paintings

Ryan Sullivan: Sprayed Paintings

Published by ICA Miami in 2016. Edited by Karen Kelly and Barbara Schroeder

Painting 2.0: Expression In the Information Age

Painting 2.0: Expression In the Information Age

Edited by Manuela Ammer, Achim Hochdörfer, and David Joselit. Published by Museum Brandhorst, Munich; Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien (Vienna), and DelMonico Books, New York, in 2016. Managing editors: Karen Kelly and Barbara Schroeder

Duets 3

Duets 4: Nicolas A. Moufarrege—Dean Daderko & Elaine Reichek in Conversation

Edited by Barbara Shroeder, Karen Kelly, and Alex Fialho. Published by Visual AIDS, New York, in 2016

Duets 4: Ben Cuevas & Annie Sprinkle

Duets 3: Ben Cuevas & Annie Sprinkle in Conversation

Edited by Barbara Schroeder, Karen Kelly, and Alex Fialho. Published by Visual AIDS, New York, in 2016

Leap Before You Look: Black Mountain College

Leap Before You Look: Black Mountain College 1933–1957

Edited by Helen Molesworth with Ruth Erickson. Published by Yale University Press, New Haven, CT; and the Institute of Contemporary Art Boston in 2016. Managing editors: Karen Kelly, Barbara Schroeder, and Donna Wingate

Hugh Steers: The Complete Paintings

Hugh Steers: The Complete Paintings, 1983–1994

Published by Visual AIDS, New York, in 2015. Edited by Barbara Schroeder and Karen Kelly

Nicole Six, Paul Petritsch: The Sea of Tranquility

Published by Landesgalerie Linz and Revolver Publishing, Berlin, in 2014. Edited by Barbara Schroeder. Manuscript editor: Karen Kelly

Robert Frank in America by Peter Galassi

Robert Frank in America by Peter Galassi

Published by Steidl Publishers, Göttingen, Germany in 2014. Editorial management: Karen Kelly and Barbara Schroeder